TARAK RIDGE Mariveles, Bataan Jump off point: Brgy. Alas-asin, Mariveles LLA: 14°30.357′N, 120°30′E, 1,006 MASL (ridge); 1,130 MASL (peak) Days required / Hours to summit: 2 days, 5-6 hours Specs: Major climb, Difficulty 4/9, Trail class 3
Source: PinoyMountaineer
This year we took up the challenge of conquering Mt. Mariveles popularly, know as Tarak Ridge. It is known for it's steep cliffs and it's rocky terrain. The ridge name "Tarak", is from “Tabak” (hunting knife) and “Tarik” (steep).
How to get there?
Ride a bus bound to Mariveles. For us, we rode Genesis Bus but you can also ride Bataan Transit. Get off at Brgy. Alas Asin. Go to the Barangay Hall to register and hire a tour guide.

We started our trek at around 6AM. The first part of the trek is still manageable.

We passed by the house of Nanay Cording, where we registered and took this group picture.

According to our tour guide, there are different trails going to the summit. But our group decided to took the normal trail most hikers are following.

Everyone is still enjoying the trek.

After almost two hours of trekking, we reached the Papaya River. Funny part is that, I can't see any papaya trees within the area. I'm not sure why it was called papaya river.

The challenge starts from this river going to the ridge. It was a gradual 90 degree assault that required us to pull ourselves up using the roots and branches of the trees along the trail. I wasn't able to get pictures because I was so focus on surviving. :) It was an hour of pulling myself up. I felt like my knees were giving up on me.

After enduring that long hour assault, we finally reached the campsite. We saw some hikers resting. This is where we took our lunch. Also, what is noticeable when you get there was the strong gusty wind.

The ridge offers an amazing view of Bataan and its neighboring islands like Corregidor, Manila Bay and, faintly, Cavite.

I thought that this would be the final challenge but what awaits us is the rocky, assault tail going to the summit. Some hikers don't usually go to the summit because the view at the ridge is already breathtaking.

And here comes us, using all our might to reach the summit.

I actually thought that the summit is just few minutes away from the ridge. But I was wrong. :) It was another 30 minutes assault to endure.

All the pain felt during the trek was rewarded by this beautiful view at the summit.

It was so fulfilling.

Tarak Squad.

After enjoying the summit, we decided to start descending.

This is not my first major hike. But this is definitely one of the challenging trek I'd ever had so far. I know in myself that this is another achievement to me. To be able to finish and not giving up.
I learned that when your tired, rest. But don't give up. :)
0200 – Assembly time at Cubao station
0230 – ETD Genesis Transit Cubao terminal
0430 – ETA Alas Asin Barangay Hall. Register
0500 – ETA to Aling Cording’s hut. Register and give donation.
0600 – Start trek - 6am
0730 – Arrival at Papaya River.
0900 – Start ascend to the Ridge
1030 – ETA Tarak Ridge.
1130 - ETA Summit
1300 – Start descend
1400 – ETA Papaya River
1520 – Back at jump off. Wash up.
1700 – ETD Jump off
1730 – Back at waiting shed. Ride bus going to Pasay/Cubao
2030 – ETA Manila
Expected Expenses
Php 272.00 – Bus Fare Cubao to Mariveles
Php 272.00 – Bus Fare Mariveles to Cubao
Php 40.00 – Registration Fee
Php 20.00 – Fee at Wash Up Area.
Php 1000.00 - Tour guide (Group of 10)
This is a beautiful mountain to hike. Although I don't recommend it for beginners. But it's worth the climb.
#MtMariveles #MtMarivelesBataan #MtMarivelestarakridge #MtMarivelesitinerary #MtMarivelesbataan #MtMariveleshike #MtMarivelessummit #MtMarivelespinoymountaineer #MtMarivelesdifficulty #MtMarivelesbataanPhilippines #MtMariveleshowtogetthere #tarakridge #tarakridgeitinerary #tarakridgetraverse #tarakridgedifficulty #tarakridgebataan #tarakridgecampsite #tarakridgeguide #tarakridgetraverseitinerary #tarakridgeitinerarydayhike #tarakridgeitineraryovernight