To be honest, I never really realized what I got myself into until I was already in that moment. :) That's what I felt during our journey to finish Mascap Trilogy in Rizal.
Mascap Trilogy Dayhike in Rizal is composed of three mountains - Mt. Ayaas (Difficulty 3/9), Mt. Sipit-Ulang (Difficulty 2/9) and Mt. Oro (Difficulty 3/9).
How to get there?
Our group of nine, left Manila at 3 AM in the morning. Our meet up place is in Cubao, where we took an Fx ride going to Rizal. Fare is Php 50.00. After an hour we arrived in Rizal. We rode a tricycle going to the jump off in Brgy. Mascap. It's the same jump off going to Mt. Sipit Ulang.
The plan was to have Mt. Ayaas first, to be followed by Mt. Sipit-Ulang then lastly Mt. Oro. After we registered and hired a tour guide (Php 1,000 per guide), we started to trek.
We started at around 5 AM going to Mt. Ayaas and we arrived at the summit at 7:30 AM.

An obligatory selfie at the summit. It offers a view of it's neighboring mountains in Rizal.

This is our group having a good time.

Since it's still early, we ate our breakfast first and relax at the summit.

We started to descend after taking a rest. Four from our group, decided not to continue with other two mountains. So we part ways at the jump off of Mt. Ayaas. We started to trek Mt. Sipit-Ulang at 9 AM and arrive at the summit at 11:00 AM.

Then after taking a picture, we decided to descend. We took our lunch at the jump off and took a 30 minutes rest.
The sun is already up, when we started to trek Mt. Oro. So, our big challenge was the direct heat of the sun.

We arrived at Mt. Oro's summit at 1:30 PM. We actually didn't stay long there because there's no tree cover. So the heat is really exhausting.

After Mt. Oro, we had a side trip to Payaran Falls. But the water is not that clear so we decided not to take a dip.

I am happy I was able to finish Mascap Trilogy. It wasn't that difficult but it wasn't that easy either. Thanks to my friend Joy for inviting me.
It another achievement being unlocked!
#MascapTrilogypinoymountaineer #Mascaptrilogyitineray #mascaphowtogetthere #rodriguezmascaptrail #mascapmontalbanrizal #mascaptrilogyblog #mascapfalls #mascap7summit #mascaprizal #MtAyaasitinerary #MtAyaashowtogetthere #MtSipitUlangitinerary #MtSipitUlanghowtogetthere #MtOroItinerary #MtOrohowtogetthere #PayaranFalls #MascapTrilogyDayhike